The most popular hair color number that everyone knows is #1 which is "JET BLACK". On the other hand, the most popular wild hair color we know is "BLONDE" but did you know which number it is?
Check out #613 in the hair color chart, it displays a bleach blonde while #24 illustrates a darker shade of blonde. Therefore, it depends on what shade of blonde you prefer!!!!!!!!

Colour #28 looks interesting
ReplyDelete# 22 for me
ReplyDeleteGuys you can mix colours as well. E.g you can mix #22 and #32. I think it will give a nice blend.
ReplyDeleteI usually mix #22 and #32
ReplyDeleteOk since you already tried my suggested mixture, you can try darker shades such as #4 and #1
ReplyDeleteI prefer the lighter colours
DeleteOhh I now see the numbers for the curly blonde as asked in my older comment. It looks like #14 and #12
ReplyDelete# 4 probably blends in as well
ReplyDeleteMy hair is a # 4 and I'm loving it, so will try a lighter color such as #12 and see if it will suit my brown complexion.
ReplyDeleteI believe it suppose to blend in with your complexion so give it a try and let me know how you looked.
ReplyDeleteThe curl in the previous post is like a # 32. Will try it and see
ReplyDeleteYes I believe so. Ok good
ReplyDeleteCurrently, I have on a #33 and I am loving it
ReplyDeleteYou can blend it with #14, it should look great